Finance Foundations for Solopreneurs

Adult student learning finance

Course details

Dive into the foundations of running a one-person business. The course is ideal for individuals working in the on-demand economy including rideshare drivers, photographers, online businesspeople, and consultants. Topics include taxes, business insurance, personal insurance, profit and loss (P&L), working with a certified public accountant (CPA), cash flow, recordkeeping, and even social media marketing. Join Dan Weedin as he shares how to accelerate the growth process of your business, overcome challenges, and enjoy being a solopreneur.


Dan WeedinBusiness Risk Consultant & Insurance Broker: Unleashed® Advisory I Unleashed® Protection I Shrimp Tank Podcast HostDan Weedin is president of Toro Consulting. He helps businesses protect their property, people, and profits.

Through a complete understanding of what their financial risk ratio is, Dan’s clients can both quantitatively and qualitatively measure their readiness, preparedness, and ability to survive and thrive out of any crisis that comes at them. His goal is to assure that no calamity is fatal; that operations, revenues, and quality of life is assured. This is accomplished through work in strategic business continuity planning, crisis management development, disaster recovery planning and practice, risk financing (insurance), and business succession and transition planning.

Dan has published three books. The most recent is Unleashed Leadership: Maximizing Talent & Performance by Opening the Gates of Opportunity. You can find all his books at

In addition to his consulting work, Dan speaks internationally on the topics, concepts, and best practices listed above.

Working as a solopreneur

– Entrepreneurs are defined as people who organize and manage any enterprise, especially a business, usually with considerable initiative and risk. A solopreneur is an entrepreneur that does it all solo, no employees, no shareholders, no corner office, just all the initiative and the risk. The increasing number of solopreneurs is the result of a growing technological era where the ability to create and run a business is easier than ever. What isn’t easy is the considerable initiative and risk part. If you’re that lone wolf who’s taken the initiative and risk to create and run a business by yourself, then this course is for you. Hi, I’m Dan, and I am a solopreneur. I founded my consulting practice in 2005, and although many of the services have changed, the one constant is me. I’ve coached and mentored countless other solopreneurs. And you know what they all want? Growth and revenue while avoiding the pitfalls of starting any business. Being a solopreneur requires hard work and…

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